I got an outstanding achievement award for my work back in 2015 which resulted in an organised weeks holiday for my wife and I to Cape Town along with 300 or so other Microsoft colleagues from across Europe and the Middle East. Part of this was a day trip to a safari park and we got some great shots:
A couple of years later my sister went to Kruger National Park and so I thought I would do a series of pictures for her to remind her of her trip as I had painted Wolf for my brother. I decided to use my normal watercolour pencils but this time on coloured paper designed for pastels, with a different natural shade for each one. The light reflected off the soil and the soil in their coats made the animals seem almost pink so I consciously used the same pencils in each drawing and only made minimal use of raw black and white to make them as colourful as possible. I am especially pleased with the Zebra and although the rhinoceros took the longest he’s the one I am still not happy with. However showing these to friends it seems everyone has their own view
The finished works are under the animals section.
Finally thanks to Rob F, the best manager I have ever had for going well beyond the day job, and giving my the opportunity to do these for my smarter sister